MAR(【Oshinohakkai】)【Kitaguchihongu shrine】忍野八海.北口本宮浅間神社
Event information<Departure>
09:15 Depart from toyoko Inn Fujisan Otsuki ⇢
10:00 Depart from Toyoko Inn Fuji Kawaguchiko Ohashi →
10:20 Arrive at Kitaguchi hongu Fuji Asama Shrine - Depart at 10:50 →
11:00 Arrive at Oshino hakkai - Depart 12:30 →
13:00 Arrive at Toyoko Inn Fuji Kawaguchiko Ohashi
13:40 Arrive at Toyoko Inn Fujisan Otsukieki
◎Kitaguchi hongu Fuji Asama Shrine Is one of the components of the Mount Fuji World Heritage Site. It is a shrine of Marital happiness, family happiness
◎Oshinohakkai (Oshino Hakkai Springs)
Fujiko pilgrims traditionally spent several days purifying themselves before their climb by visiting each of the Fuji Five Lakes and three mountain springs, collectively known as the “Inner Eight Lakes” (uchi hakkai). In the mid-nineteenth century, a scholarly adherent of the faith named Tomoemon Oyori launched a project to cut the preparation time down to one day by reshaping the bodies of water in nearby Oshino into a set of eight sacred “lakes.” Since these were fed by underground streams from Mt. Fuji, they were believed to have the same purifying power as the Inner Eight Lakes. Visitors to the new “Eight Lakes of Oshino” (Oshino Hakkai) also brought much-needed income to the village.
※This plan does not include meals, which are not included in the price and are to be paid for separately by the customer.
Service Provider:TOYOKO INN BUS Co., Ltd. Travel Division
Registered travel agent with the Governor of Yamanashi Prefecture, No. Region-337.
09:15 東横INN富士山大月駅 発⇢
10:00 東横INN富士河口湖大橋 発→
10:20 北口本宮富士浅間神社 着~10:50発→
11:00 忍野八海 着~12:30発→
13:00 東横INN富士河口湖大橋 着
13:40 東横INN富士山大月駅 着
サービス提供会社:㈱東横インバス トラベル事業部
山梨県知事登録旅行業 第2‐337号
【本ツアーの観光スポット(Sightseeing spots on this tour)】
・北口本宮富士浅間神社(Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Asama Shrine)
・忍野八海(Oshino hakai)
ご旅行条件 Travel conditions
運行日時 Operating date and time | (departs at 10:00 AM)Only Wednesday and Friday AM10:00発 |
日程 schedule | 0泊1日(日帰り)[day trip] |
出発地 Point of departure | (Toyoko Inn Fujisan Otsukieki)東横INN富士山大月駅 &(Toyoko Inn Fuji Kawaguchiko Ohashi)東横INN富士河口湖大橋 |
目的地 Destination | (Kitaguchi hongu Fuji Asama Shrine, and Oshino hakkai )北口本宮富士浅間神社、忍野八海 |
販売座席数 Number of seats sold | 45 席(45seats) |
添乗員 Tour conductor | なし |
注意事項 Notes | (Meals are not included in the price)代金に食事代金は含まれておりません |